Saturday, July 23, 2016

Monopli game for explaining the proportional lesson (grade 9) at CCS

By buying lands and knowing the prices...
By using this game we explained the proportional rules..
The students knew how to apply math in real life..
They bought the land and the discovered the importance of buying the right land which has a good benefits..
They understood the strategies of investing money in the right place..

The students knew the fourth proportional term...
 We declared an increasing percentage to sell the gas stations that all will pay when they came to visit ( Carla paid 200$ for each)
we have 4 stations and the benefit will be triple for the one who will have them it was a good investment...
While Abbass bought a land for 60$ and it didn't give him any profit ( 3 $ for each visit!!)
So he knew that was a wrong investment and he declared a discount to sell his land..
Between the percentage,the benefit,  the discount and the raise of the lands .. we finished our lesson in a way the students will never forget plus we had a great time without mentioned the students who played the role of the bankers and the government
for collecting the taxes  ..
 so we built our small society and placed each
groups in their right places.
They touched the real meaning behind the loose and the gain ...

They knew the percentage of the benefit and used in their way to win...

when one of them didn't benefit from his land we declared
 a discount  to sell it..

They enjoyed their time and related math to real life situations.. 

For every step we wrote its proportional rule..

They competed each other with a warm atmosphere..

And we applied what we had learned from the game in our lesson.

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